Keying error [Scenario 2]
The parking operator issued the parking charge notice because the motorist parked without entering their registration details via an in-store terminal, when using a customer only car park.
The parking operator issued the parking charge notice because the motorist parked without entering their registration details via an in-store terminal, when using a customer only car park.
The parking operator issued the parking charge notice because the appellant’s vehicle was parked longer than the maximum period allowed.
The parking operator issued the Parking Charge Notice because the motorist had exceeded the 90-minute maximum stay period.
The parking operator issued the parking charge notice because the motorist had failed to display a valid permit.
The parking operator issued the parking charge notice because the motorist parked without making a valid payment or having a valid permit.
The parking operator issued the Parking Charge Notice because the motorist had failed to purchase the appropriate parking time.